Legal basis is the Trade Marks Act 1994.A registration provides protection for the trademark in the United Kingdom (UK) of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and automatically extends to the British Indian Ocean Territory, the Falkland Islands, and the Isle of Man. In the Bahamas, subject to local prior rights, the owner of a UK trademark is entitled to registration upon production of a UK registration certificate.
Trademark registration classification:
Nice Classification
- Name, nationality, profession and address of the applicant.
- Details of the trademark owner (name, address, registration number).
- Design of the trademark in JPEG format in case of a graphical trademark (not required for word mark).
- The details of goods and/or services for witch the trademark will be registered or the classes in case they are known.
- A power of attorney is not necessary.
- A trademark application has to be filed before the UK Intellectual Property Office by local agent.
- The application process includes an examination on absolute grounds and a search for prior trademarks.
- Before registration, the application is published in the weekly “Trademarks Journal” for opposition purposes.
- The deadline for filing an opposition period is 2 months minus 1 day from publication of trademark application in the Trade Marks Journal.
- If no oppositions are filed, application will proceed to registration, and the IPO will issue a certificate of registration.
- It takes approximately 6-9 months from first filing to registration.
Duration and Renewal: A trademark registration in the United Kingdom is valid for 10 years and starts with registration date. The registration is renewable for periods of 10 years.
Fee Structure
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