Legal basis is the Trademark Act of 1998, last amendment in force since July 2nd , 2007.The principles of “common law” apply.Singapore is a member of the Madrid Protocol.
Trademark registration classification:
Nice Classification
- Details of the trademark owner (name, address, registration number).
- The list of goods and/or services for which the trademark will be registered. is necessary.
- The mark : Please let us have a clear specimen of the mark for filing. If the mark is not a known English word, please let us have the derivation of the same (i.e. whether it is an invented or foreign word). If the mark is a foreign word, we are required to lodge a certified translation of the same, although this can be lodged after the application is filed.
- The class(es) and range of goods/services to be used in respect of the mark : Please let me know the goods or services on which the applicants use or intend to use the trade mark. For your information, Singapore adopts the 10th edition of the International Classification of Goods and Services (ICGS).
- Priority claim (if any): If there is a priority claim, we will require the country and date of filing of the priority application. No certified priority document is required unless specifically requested by the Registrar.
- Please note that no Powers of Attorney are required to be signed by the Applicant for filing trade mark applications in Singapore.
- The application is filed with the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore.
- The application process includes a formal examination, an examination of distinctiveness and a search for prior trademarks.
- Prior to registration, the trademark application is published in the Trade Mark Journal.
- Within 2 months of the publication period, any interested party will be able to oppose the registration of the mark.
- If there is no opposition, or if outcome of the opposition hearing is in favour of you, a Certificate of Registration would be issued and the Trade Mark would be granted protection for 10 years.
- The processing time from first filing to registration or first office action is approx. 6 to 12 months
Duration and Renewal: A trademark registration is valid for 10 years from date of application.The registration is renewable for periods of 10 years.