Saudi Arabia

Legal basis is the Trademark Act of 1934; last amendment was made via Royal Decree No. M/21 on August 7, 2002 in force since December 6, 2002, published in the Official Gazette No. 3907 on September 6, 2002 and became effective as of December 6, 2002.Saudi Arabia is a member of Paris Convention.

Trademark registration classification:

Nice Classification


  • Details of the trademark owner (name, address, registration number).
  • Design of the trademark in JPEG format in case of a graphical trademark (not required for word mark).
  • The list of goods and/or services for which the trademark will be registered. 
  • A Power of Attorney filed with the full name and address of the applicant, duly notarized and legalized up to the Saudi Consulate. 
  • In case of claiming priority, a certified copy of the priority application is to be filed within six months from the filing date of the foreign application.


  • A trademark application has to be filed before the Patent Office (Department of the Board of Trade) by a local agent. 
  • The application process includes a formal examination, an examination of distinctiveness and a search for prior trademarks
  • Before registration the trademark application is published in the “Um-Al Qura” (official gazette of the Government).
  • The opposition period is 90 days from publication date of the application.
  • If no objection by a 3rd party, a registration certificate will be issued .
  • It takes approximately 12-14 months from first filing to registration. 

Duration and Renewal: A trademark registration in Saudi Arabia is valid for 10 years (9 years and 8 months Gregorian calendar) and starts with registration date. The registration is renewable for periods of 10 years (9 years and 8 months).