Oman introduced the Industrial Property Rights Law by virtue of royal decree no. 67 of 2008, issued on May 17, 2008. This law replaces existing laws no. 38 of 2000, 39 of 2000, 40 of 2000, 41 of 2000, and 82 of 2000 of Trademarks, Trade Date, Undisclosed Trade Information and Protection from Unfair Competition. The regulations implementing Law no. 67 of 2008 came into force in Oman on December 17, 2008 by virtue of Ministerial Resolution no. 103 of 2008.
Trademark registration classification:
Nice Classification
- Details of the trademark owner (name, address, registration number).
- Design of the trademark in JPEG format in case of a graphical trademark (not required for word mark).
- The list of goods and/or services for which the trademark will be registered.
- Certificate of Incorporation or extract from the commercial register legalized up to the Consulate.
- Information related to the previously filed trademarks, in order to benefit of the priority date, if it is the case. In case that priority is claimed, the certified copy of the priority document will be filed to the Trademark Office in Oman within three months of filing date.
- Power of attorney legalized up to the Consulate of Oman.
- The application is filed at the Industrial Property Directorate.
- The application process includes a formal examination, an examination of distinctiveness and a search for prior trademarks. Signs not deemed distinctive in the examination can be registered if distinctiveness has been acquired by use, or after submission of a copy of the registration certificate of the mark in another country following a substantive examination system.
- After acceptance the trademark is published in the Official Gazette and one daily newspaper.
- The opposition period is within 3 months following publication.
- If no objection by a 3rd party, a registration certificate will be issued .
- The processing time from first filing to registration is approx. 6 to 12 months.
Duration and Renewal: A trademark registration is valid for 10 years from date of application. The registration is renewable for periods of 10 years.
Fee Structure
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