Legal basis is the Industrial Property Law of 17.02.2009 (as third regulation), entered into force on 25.02.2009. - “Official Journal of R.Macedonia”No. 21.Macedonia is a member of the Paris Convention, Madrid Agreement and the Madrid Protocol and of the Singapore Treaty.
Trademark registration classification:
Nice Classification
- Name and address of the Applicant(s).
- The name and address of the inventor(s)
- Wording or representation of the trademark
- List of goods and services, if possible according to Nice Classification(Classes 1 - 45)
- When claiming priority, the country, date and application number of the priority application (the original Priority document which can be submitted subsequently within three months as from the Application date along with certified translation into local language.
- One single, simply signed Power of Attorney (PoA) for each individual client (not for each case). PoA can be submitted subsequently within 30 days as from the date of receipt of the Official Invitation from the Office.
- The application is filed at the State Office of Industrial Property (SOIP).
- The application process includes a formal examination and an examination of distinctiveness, but no search for prior trademarks.
- After registration, the trademark is published in the Gazette “Glasnik”.
- The opposition period in Macedonia is 3 months after publication. You will receive status updates as soon as your mark is published and will be notified of any actions taken by the SOIP.
- If no oppositions arise and your trademark is formally approved, and isssue the certificate of registration
- The processing time from first filing to first office action is approx. 6-12 months.
- The processing time from first filing to registration is approx. 6 to 24 months
Duration and Renewal: A trademark registration is valid for 10 years from date of application.The registration is renewable for periods of 10 years.
Fee Structure
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