Legal basis is the law of Macau, namely the Industrial Property Code, Decree-Law no. 97/99/M in force since December 13, 1999. Some IP relevant provisions may also be found in the Commercial code and the Copyright Act.Macao is not a member of the Madrid Agreement or Protocol.
Trademark registration classification:
Nice Classification
- Name, nationality and address of the applicant;
- Nature of business (industrial, commercial or other);
- Reproductions of the mark. They need to be in colour if colour is claimed as a distinctive feature of the mark;
- List of products or services
- Power of attorney. A signed and notarized power of attorney is required. Legalization is not necessary.
- If priority is claimed, then the applicant must provide the information regarding the country, date and number of the earlier application.Within 3 months from the application the priority document must be submitted.
- The application is filed at the Macau Economic Services - Intellectual Property Department by a local agent.
- The application process includes a formal examination, an examination of distinctiveness and a search for prior trademarks.
- Trademark applications accepted by the Registrar are published two (2) times in the official gazette prior to registration.
- The first publication is merely for publicity purposes and marks the two month term for opposition.
- The second publications makes known the IP Office's decision to grant/refuse registration after the examination process is concluded.
- The approximate time frame for completing the registration process of a trademark in Macao is approximately 6 to 8 months.
Duration and Renewal: Protection begins with the date of registration. A trademark registration is valid for 7 years from the date of registration. The registration is renewable for periods of 7 years.
Fee Structure
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