
Trademark registration Luxembourg - Luxembourg belongs to the Benelux countries (Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg) as they are members of the Madrid Agreement, of the Madrid Protocol and of the European Community. Duly note, since the Benelux Trademarks Act in 1971, there are no national trademark laws in any of the Benelux countries anymore. Trademark protection is obtained by registration.

Trademark registration classification:

Nice Classification


  • Full name and street address of applicant.
  • List of goods to be covered according to the international classification.
  • Power of Attorney (Non-legalized).
  • On claiming convention priority a certified copy of the corresponding home registration (may only be in Dutch or English).
  • Prints of the trademark  


  • A trademark application has to be filed before the Benelux Office of Intellectual Property.
  • The application process abandoned the official search and includes an examination on absolute grounds instead. 
  • Following the examination on formalities and absolute grounds, the application will be published in the online Benelux Bulletin for opposition of other parties.
  • All the parties are free to file an objection and they will be given a period of two months from the first day of the month after the date of the publication of the mark.
  • The entire procedure may take more or less 5 to 8 months.

Duration and Renewal: A trademark registration in The Benelux is valid for 10 years from application date. The registration is renewable for periods of 10 years.

 Fee Structure 
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