Trade mark law of the European Union is governed by European Union law together with national law within those countries which are also member states of the European Union. Trade marks may be registered within individual countries, or across the whole of the EU (by means of a European Union trade mark).The EU Trade Mark concept originated in 1964 in a draft of a "Convention on European Trademark Law". April 1st 1996 that the first EU trade marks application were processed and the register started (as Community Trade Marks).
Trademark registration classification:
Nice Classification
- Full name address and nationality of the applicant(s)
- A list of goods and service classified in accordance with the international classification of goods and services for which registration of the mark is requested and the class number of the classification;
- A simple signed power of attorney is required.
- A trademark application has to be filed before the European Union Intellectual Property office (EUIPO).
- The office shall, upon receipt of the application examine it for trade mark application contains the mandatory and basic information required
- Following this, the application will undergo formality and substantive examinations.
- If the application is accepted, a notice inviting possible opposition to the registration of the mark will then be published in the “ Trademarks Bulletin”
- It is also possible to file an opposition against the trademark registration at a court within 3 months from the date of publication.
- If no opposition is lodged, EIPO will register the mark and issue a certificate of registration in favor of the registrant
- The approximate time frame for completing the registration process of a trademark in Ethiopia is about 5 to 7 months from the filing date.
Duration and Renewal: A trademark registration in the European Union is valid for 10 years and starts with registration date. The registration is renewable for periods of 10 years.
Fee Structure
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