
A Benelux trademark is protected in the three countries of Luxembourg, Belgium and The Netherlands through a single and identical right.Legal basis is the Benelux Treaty for Intellectual Property (trademarks and designs) which replaced the Benelux Trademarks Act on September 1, 2006. Trademark protection is created by registration.

Trademark registration classification: 

Nice Classification


  • Name and address of the applicant (as recorded in the Register of Firms).
  • A representation of the trademark
  • A list of goods and services for which the trademark is used and has to be protected
  • A copy of the priority document, if the priority is claimed.


  • The application is filed at the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property in The Hague.
  • The application process includes an examination on absolute grounds.
  • After the examination on formalities and absolute grounds, the application is published in the online Benelux Bulletin for opposition purposes.
  • Oppositions could be filed within a period of 2 months after the first day of the month which follows the date of publication of the mark.
  • The whole procedure takes between 5 and 8 months if there are no complications. There also exists an expedited registration procedure.

Duration and Renewal: A trademark registration is valid for 10 years from the application date and is renewable for the same period.


 Fee Structure 
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